Thursday 23 June 2011

The Indie Game Developer's Player Statistics

The Indie Game Developer is here to stay:

So what can be offered in commercialisation and more importantly customisation of this industry, I must say I have not been the biggest advocate for web analytics or viewer tracking figures...until...I got google analytics. Now I find myself glued to the screen pulling and pushing elements around the blog, site, vimeo page, and meta cloud in a vain (excuse the pun) attempt to make the graph go crazy. So, what about our end user content, can we successfully track this data, and find the physical flaws in our games?

Where are people playing to?
What are people buying (in app purchase)?
How long are people playing the game for?

There are a couple of Video Game Analytics' companies around specialising at the moment like mixpanel, and Kontagent, this is the next contender:

I must say, I love the website! a perfect mixture of functionality and design, couple with a vibe of early "infographic" about it.

I think this is perfect for the purpose, the users of their site will be indie game developers with a single digit titles on offer, looking to track their content for "probably" the first time. They will be familiar with web tracking and SEO, but will probably be new to game mechanics and the tracking functionality.

I will be intreged to see the capabilities of this stats service, as well as the level and source of the returned info, but certainly from a design perspective they had me at "hello!"

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